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Why yaorong LED lighting?

Year-Round Crop Production
According to, a single high-rise farm can produce as much produce as 480 traditional horizontal farms and a single indoor acre is equivalent to multiple outdoor acres. Supplemental lighting allows you to both create ideal conditions for your crops and grow them year-round. This means companies can continue producing food throughout the winter months.

LED lights are one of the best options for indoor growing. They allow growers to tune their light spectrums year-round to meet the plant’s needs. Plus, they do not produce excessive amounts of heat like HPS lights tend to, allowing you to more easily maintain an ideal temperature.

Reduce Your Operating Costs
While upfront costs are generally higher, growers save money in the long run as they’re much more energy efficient. LED lights are roughly 2.5-times cheaper to operate than bulb-based lighting. Over the years, the added installation cost quickly pays for itself as large scale growers will end up saving thousands of dollars per year on operating costs.

As many horticulture companies are going to be operating indoors year-round, energy-efficient lighting is vital. You have to think about the long-term costs of your entire system, and one easy way to save is to opt for LEDs.

Built For Retrofitting
The Effective institutions predicts that retrofit installations are expected to rise in the coming years. Retrofitting lighting in existing buildings helps save energy, lowers maintenance and labor costs, and provides the supplemental lighting necessary to improve the overall quality of the plants. yaorong LED lighting systems are perfect for retrofitting.

About the installation of the lamp , yaorong led light simplifies installation, This cuts down on installation costs for any setup, but is especially convenient when retrofitting existing structures.



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